• 1 Register
  • 2 Entries
  • 3 Review
  • 4 Pay
  • 5 Confirm
  • 6 Finish
Welcome to the Salinas Valley Fair Exhibits Online Entry Program!
Each exhibitor needs to register individually.
For questions or help with online services, please contact the Entry Office at
831-385-3521 or livestock@salinasvalleyfair.com
Online Entry Requirements:
-Over 18 years old
-OR parent/guardian of exhibitor under 18
-OR 4-H/FFA Advisor of exhibitor under 18
-OR be authorized by exhibitor if over 18
Exhibitors must read and agree to abide by all of the rules and regulations governing the fair entries as published in the official Salinas Valley Fair Guidebooks.
Entries due by April 1st
-Exhibitors must enter at least one still project in the fair.
- Exhibitor wristband fees will be included in the $45 market entry fee (see department 17 to purchase additional adult & youth passes).
At the completion of your check out process, you will be asked to upload a valid Certificate of Compliance from your hog breeder. If you do not have that, please upload the Prop 12 form.
-Documents required for online livestock entries. Please have them ready for upload before you begin. All forms can be found here: https://www.salinasvalleyfair.com/p/fair/svfcompetitions
*All livestock exhibitors will need a Livestock Sales Agreement completed and signed.
*All livestock exhibitors (except primary members) will need a valid YQCA Certificate. You can find the course at www.yqcaprogram.org.
*Swine exhibitors will need a Certificate of Compliance from your breeder or a completed Proposition 12 Compliant Form.
Please fill out and return the Leader Form along with your payment to the office or if no payment is needed, you may email it to livestock@salinasvalleyfair.com.
Entries due by April 1st
-Please read the Guidebook for new drop off times and locations, listed in each department.
* ART TEACHERS & AG TEACHERS- You may register your classroom with a paper Teacher Entry Form, found here: https://www.salinasvalleyfair.com/p/fair/svfstillentryinfo. Please bring the filled out form and entry fee to the office before April 1st.
Continue your entry process by clicking the number ‘1 Registeror sign-inif youve already entered this year.
NEW THIS YEAR- Department 18 is Merch!! We are offering two sweatshirts for presale. To see an image of what the logo will be, please visit our website or facebook page.
Good luck to all our exhibitors!